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My Notes about...

My Notes about...

News, articles, tutorials, and more.

My Ultimate Git Guide for Developers
This is like AI and I imagine Git branches
This is like AI and I imagine Git branches

It never hurts to remember the basic Git commands, and today is that day. In this article that I wrote for my team at one of the companies where I worked, I'll show you how we worked with this version control system on a project that involved six people and almost two years of development.

Jose CerrejonAbout 9 minDeveloperGit
Python. Curiosities, code, notes to get ready to PCEP
Certification Roadmap
Certification Roadmap

I might take the PCEP exam to demonstrate my knowledge in Python. For now, I have taken a CISCO course called Python Essential 1 and here are some notes, curiosities, and code that I found interesting if you are not a Pythonista.

Jose CerrejonAbout 4 minDeveloperPythonTips
You Were Waiting for It. PHP Vs Python
Pythons Versus Elephants
Generated by Copilot

I hate technical interviews like everyone else. But there is SOMETHING I like about them: the questions I haven't previously asked myself. Usually, there's no time to develop an answer that one likes, you know how perfectionist I am. One of them was this week:

Jose CerrejonAbout 6 minDeveloperPHPPythonVersus
AutoFirma Troubleshooting on macOS Sonoma
AutoFirma installation on macOS

If you are a macOS user in Spain and need to access through Safari some page where the digital certificate is required, you may have had problems with AutoFirma. Come in and see how to fix the most common errors that occur when trying to access pages where a certificate is required in Safari on macOS Sonoma. Go ahead!.

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minApplemacOSsoftware
Relational Database Vs NoSQL
rdbms versus nosql
It's funny the image generated by the AI, the young guy for NoSQL

As a developer, you will most likely have done a project, and had to use a relational database. It happens all the time on each project. I think I miss very few relational DBMS (Database Management System) that I haven’t used in my profile as DevOp. This has not been the case for non-relational BBDD or also called NoSQL (Not Only SQL) such as MongoDB. I will explain the differences above and in a future article, we will see their use.

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minDevOpssgbdmongodbdatabasenosql
How to use a VGA Adapter for Raspberry Pi
Photo about VGA 666 GPIO Connector
VGA 666 GPIO Connector

Recently I got a AOC Model 7Vlr 17" Monitor with VGA connector and I wanted to use it with my Raspberry Pi... The real reason is that I don't have any laptop, PC or device at home with VGA output right now 😅.

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minRaspberry Pideviceshardwaregpio
Best roadmaps for developers 2024 Edition
Man in front of computer
Generated with Dall-E


This post was updated on June 23, 2024.

The best part that you are reading my blog is that I don't need to convince you with tons of resources like a dirty trickster to follow me. The resources I share with you are the best roadmaps for programming languages I found, now in 2024. Those are my personal preferences, and here are not all the language programming, only the ones I'm interested in according to my career, but I'm sure you will find them useful.

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minDeveloperPHPlaravelfrontend
Keep your macOS Apps updated with these free apps
collage with apps
My apps to get my OS to the latest

I have a problem with the software on my OS, maybe It's a disease, I don't know. The reason:



Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minApplemacOSsoftwarefreeDevOpsAutomatization
Add an icon to a directory on macOS
png image + folder = folderified!
png image + folder = folderified!

This is the kind of article nobody reads, but everybody want to try. It's a simple trick to add an icon to a directory on macOS using a line command app called folderify. Instructions inside the article!...

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteApplemacOS