Deploy your Git code by FTP to a remote server


Not always will be lords and masters of a *VPS* with *SSH* connection to upload into production our projects. Sometimes we'll find servers where the only option for upload your code will be using the *FTP* protocol, which is a bummer when one or more do deploys in a day. If you work with *Git*, I'll teach you my method to upload the commits to a *ftp* server without changing the technology.


[ Installation and setup ]

The instructions are pretty clear for all platforms as you can see [here]( I use [brew]( with *OSX*:

brew install curl --with-ssl --with-libssh2
brew install git-ftp

Go to your project folder and execute the following using your credentials:

git config git-ftp.url
git config git-ftp.user ftp-user
git config git-ftp.password "secr3t"

Now upload all files with **git ftp init** or if the files is already on the server: **git ftp catchup**

[ Use ]

Not much mystery. Use *git* to commit your repo as you do normally, but when you want to upload the changes to *ftp*, use the command **git ftp push**. An example:

echo "new content" >> index.txt
git commit -am "Add new content"
git push remote master # commit to our server
git ftp push # upload changes to ftp

Link: [ > git-ftp](