News this week in the Pi World


Great success of the webinar this week! I thank you for the good reception and as always, **I am not completely satisfied** with the result, especially for the words that I repeat **until satiety** and for the simplest part that did not work to mount a light server *Git*, because of a silent installation of *XCode* at the last minute (*Grr*). However, the steps you see in the video are the right ones even if they didn't work for me. Otherwise, I will continue to report on the Pi at least on Fridays, and **today is Friday**. So there goes a ration of news about the Pi World.

Video of the week: Webinar KeepCoding- Raspberry Pi for Devops (Spanish)
  • **How to upgrade the ODROID-XU4 Android eMMC module to the latest OS version:** It sounds silly, but it's not so simple or at least I always jumped a couple of steps and I never knew how to do it, I promise you. I'll leave it here just for reference. | [](


  • **An open source 3D Scanner made with Raspberry Pi:** Just... Wow! The post has some time but I haven't seen it until today. | [](


  • **RetroPie 4.3 is released:** You know what?. It's been a while since I've given RetroPie a chance and now that they've released version 4.3, it's time to see it in action, as it's given me many hours of entertainment while compiling my code. What's new: Power save mode, screen saver support, video playback, *ODROID-XU3/4* support,... | [](


  • **The History of Raspberry Pi by Eben Upton - Raspberry Jam South Africa:** If Mr. Upton comes one day to Spain, I'll go to see him even if it's on the other side of the country. He's streaming for the Africa Jam audience. Spoilers!: There are some clues as to when the next version of the *Raspberry Pi* will come and it's not exactly soon... | [](

  • **Getting a Raspberry Pi ready for NodeBots:** Very basic and elementary, but if you know *JavaScript* you can communicate with your Pi in this language thanks to *Johnny-five*. | [](

Tweet of the week thanks to [@nixcraft](

Happy weekend!