sshfs: Mount remote directories via SSH protocol


In my day to day I use *Ubuntu* installed on *iMac* (the teasing that I can receive, I know). When I remotely access my *Raspberry Pi* or other equipment with *Linux*, I usually use *Filezilla*, but I discovered a cool way to access my directories through the main operating system through sshfs...

This command will allow us to mount our file system on a remote directory on another computer. To do so simply install it first and create the folder where it was mounted:

sudo apt-get install -y sshfs
mkdir rpi

Load the module with: **modprobe fuse**

Mount inside our operating system the remote directory with:

sshfs user@server:dir_remote dir_local

An Example: *sshfs pi@ /home/ubuntu/rpi*

With this we'll have the *pi* directory on another computer, no matter if it is on the local network or in the cloud. If we want to unmount it before turning the Pi off: *fusermount -u /dir_local* (Following the example: *fusermount -u /home/ubuntu/rpi*).

[ Connect from OSX ]

Remote Login. Click to enlarge.

If you want to share a folder from OSX, the last steps must be executed from the Pi, but first you must to enable remote login through **Apple menu > System Preferences > Sharing > Select Remote Login.**

More info: [ > How To Mount Remote Directory With SSHFS on a Linux](